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Symbiotic Intelligence,

Coming soon, 2024

The project is focused on different forms of intelligence - natural, human, and artificial - through various artistic media, exploring how they function and interrelate and offering insights in times of ecological instability.

The concept of intelligence is evolving beyond a human-centric view. We're now recognising a diverse spectrum of cognition, encompassing Natural Intelligence (NI) found in various species and Artificial Intelligence (AI) created by technology. This expanded perspective is fostering a new era of collaboration, where different forms of intelligence are working together to co-create and solve complex problems.

While our focus has been developing AI and comparing it to human cognition, we've often overlooked the vast realm of NI surrounding us. Concurrently, climate change significantly impacts these natural systems, altering the intricate operations and networks of ecosystems such as forests, mycelial networks (often called the "Wood Wide Web"), and mollusc colonies.


These naturally intelligent bio-infrastructures, which we heavily rely on, provide essential services like clean air, food production, and support for our mental well-being. Although NI demonstrates remarkable adaptability, some systems are faltering under the pressures of global warming. This crisis calls for a collaborative approach, potentially leveraging human ingenuity and AI capabilities to support and preserve these vital natural networks.

My research aims to explore natural phenomena and envision future scenarios of interspecies collaboration, integrating both Natural Intelligence (NI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our current treatment of nature often stems from a failure to recognise its inherent sensitivity and intelligence. By fostering empathy, cultivating admiration, and adopting a collaborative mindset towards our environment, we can forge a path to a more sustainable future. This approach not only has the potential to address ecological crises but also to redefine our relationship with the natural world, creating a symbiosis between human innovation, technological advancement, and natural wisdom.


AI-Driven Experiments Exploring the Evolution of Octopus and Microbe Species, 2024


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