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IM-A Studio: Katya Bryskina and Nataly Khadziakova

FUTURE PROTEIN is a Humanizing Technology Experiment (S+T+ARTS Residency HUNGRY ECOCITIES) by IM-A Studio in collaboration with Carlo Ratti Associati, EatThis, Studio Other Spaces (SOS), Brno University of Technology, In4Art and Gluon. It is linked to “Local Conditions”, "City + Farming Synergies" and "Mega Scale", the three directions of experimentation. 

FUTURE PROTEIN implements mussel’s ecological benefits in the food system by developing a remote-sensing predictive model for mussel farms and designing adaptive rituals for rising sea levels.

Mussels have all the factors: they filter water, collect nitrogen, phosphorus, and CO2 while growing, enhance biodiversity, and are highly nutritive. Their ecological footprint is evaluated using bio- and nitrogen credits, sustainable food sourcing, and waste management utilising shell-based materials.

Mussel ID is a remote-sensing model that predicts the development of mussel farming and shows its potential in terms of nutrition and ecological value now and potentially in 50 and 100 years. The formula behind the platform builds the relationship between consuming mussels and the ecological possibility behind it.

To drive change, the project focuses on adapting to new climate conditions and cultivating and consuming food within the evolving landscape of climate change. The project experimented with aquatic foraging and developed novel recipes to increase mussels's integration into our culture.

Envisioning a future where we transition from agriculture to aquaculture, it’s possible that one day, we will live near mussel farms or visit them as frequently as we currently visit parks. As the next step, we aim to design and visualise these future communities.

The  HUNGRY ECOCITIES project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101069990.


Digital Prototype: IM-A Studio: Katya Bryskina, Nataly Khadziakova; Dev. team: Natalie Mezhetskaya, Artem Konevskikh

Objects were 3D printed with support from CRA Carlo Ratti Associati and Space Caviar.

Menu in collaboration with Kin Dee

Mussel farm C.E.S.I.T, Tuscany

Videographer: Angel Li

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